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Editor's Pick

Khaya unleashed – The Queen

Khaya decides to quit school after having trouble with bullying in high school.
Khaya unleashed – The Queen Image : 22615

Latest on The Queen

Thando shoots at the Khoza's– The Queen Image : 23281
Harriet Khoza sent me – The Queen Image : 23280
Harriet Khoza sent me – The QueenThe Sebata's finally find out who was responsible for Mpho Sebata's death.
Khaya's outburst– The Queen Image : 23245
Khaya's outburst– The QueenKhaya has questions that need answers for the Khoza family and Thando can barely keep it altogether.
Goodbye Mpho Sebata – The Queen Image : 23206
Goodbye Mpho Sebata – The QueenThe Sebata's say Goodbye to Mpho Sebata in a touching ceremony while Brutus and Shaka show up to gloat in their enemy's pain.
Thando is out for blood – The Queen Image : 23205
Thando is out for blood – The QueenThe Sebata's lay Mpho to rest while Thando orchestrates a game plan to kill the Khoza's, however Hector intervenes and pulls the plug.
Thando suspects the Khoza's – The Queen Image : 23203
Thando suspects the Khoza's – The QueenThe Khoza's visit the Sebata's to pay their respects, but Thando suspects their visit is more sinister than that.
Mpho Sebata dies – The Queen Image : 23202
Mpho Sebata dies – The QueenThe Khoza's attack during Hector's 50th birthday celebration where Mpho is shot and killed.
The enemy is not defeated – The Queen Image : 23204
The enemy is not defeated – The QueenCelebrations end when Harriet gets word that Hector is alive and Mpho was the only victim in the family massacre.
I hate Vuyiswa – The Queen Image : 23121
I hate Vuyiswa – The QueenMpho let's her father and her sister know that she will never forgive Vuyiswa for betraying the Sebata family.
It's a no from Harriet – The Queen Image : 23120
It's a no from Harriet – The QueenOlerato wants a piece of the action but Harriet won't let her become like the rest of the Khoza family.
I will never forgive Vuyiswa – The Queen Image : 23069
I will never forgive Vuyiswa – The QueenMpho let's her father know that she has no room for forgiveness in her heart for Vuyiswa after Hector begs her to put the past behind her.
Harriet shows Anna flames – The Queen Image : 23070
Harriet shows Anna flames – The QueenAfter uncovering the truth about the Hector, Harriet shows no mercy to Anna and sets her shack on her fire with her in it.
Harriet VS Anna – The Queen Image : 23065
Harriet VS Anna – The QueenHarriet finally locates Anna and interrogates her about the truth, however Anna has seen it all and is barely shaken by her visiter.
The Khoza's investigate – The Queen Image : 23064
The Khoza's investigate – The QueenThe Khoza's decide to do some digging based on their suspicions about Hector being responsible for Kea's death and the golf course shooting.
Hector exposed to the khoza's  – The Queen Image : 23050
Hector exposed to the khoza's – The QueenHector's attempt to murder Harriet is exposed to the Khoza's , after doing some digging on his recent charges and charges for Jerry Maake's death.
Mjekejeke begs for loveback – The Queen Image : 23045
Mjekejeke begs for loveback – The QueenMjekejeke grovels for his wife to take him back, meanwhile Harriet moves in on the wrong man.
Stay away from the business – The Queen Image : 23044
Stay away from the business – The QueenHarriet shares her reservations about the family business to Olerato and warns her to stay away from it.
Patty kicks her bae out – The Queen Image : 23043
Patty kicks her bae out – The QueenAfter confronting Mjakes about Lisbeth, Patronella kicks him out and delivers the rest of his clothes at Corner House. Meanwhile Schumacher and Siyanda remain loyal to Patronella and warn Lisbeth to stay far away from their friend.
Schumacher to the rescue – The Queen Image : 23032
Schumacher to the rescue – The QueenPatronella suspects Mjekejeke is cheating but Schumacher comes to the rescue and reassures her that Mjakes would never step outside of his marriage
Lisbeth makes her move – The Queen Image : 23031
Lisbeth makes her move – The QueenLisbeth makes it known that she has her eye on Patty's bae when she makes an orchestrated move on Mjakes.
Olerato encourages Kgosi to choose love – The Queen Image : 23025
Olerato encourages Kgosi to choose love – The QueenAfter seeing how much her father loves Diego, Olerato encourages kgosi to choose love and leave for Brazil to be with his soulmate.
Romantic dinner gone wrong– The Queen Image : 23024
Romantic dinner gone wrong– The QueenMjekejeke prepares a romantic dinner for his wife, but it ends in tears when Patronella is unappreciative of his efforts.
Patty drags Mjekejeke– The Queen Image : 23023
Patty drags Mjekejeke– The QueenPatronella drags Mjakes publicly at Corner House, embarrassing him in front of his friends and customers.
Trouble in Paradise – The Queen Image : 23014
Trouble in Paradise – The QueenPatty is not happy at all with Mjakes and his financial contribution to the marriage, meanwhile Mjakes meets a beautiful distraction at Corner House.
Thando shoots at the Khoza's– The Queen