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Back together again – Isithembiso

30 October 2019
5 Reasons why Tiro and Sne belong together.
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When Snegugu sent her best friend on a mission to see if her ex was still interested in her, we were excited about the possibility of a reunion.

However Tiro, threw a curveball when he expressed to Kandy that he doesn't want his heart to be on the chopping block anymore.

We were scared we would never see Tiro and Sne come back for another round of #LoveLivesHere. However, after a drunk night on the town, Magwaza couldn't keep her feelings to herself, she confessed her love and asked for forgiveness. 

Snegugu is the ultimate hardcore girl, she never asks for second chances unless you really mean something to her. We couldn't believe it when she shot her shot! 

Twitter was happy with the romantic ending...our happy couple prancing around campus again. 

We give you 5 reasons why we’re happy that #SneTiro is back on: 

1. Yin and Yang

We love how they are yin and yang! Sne sharpens Tiro's weak areas and he does the same for her. It's true when they say opposites attract, Tiro has a cool and calm nature, while Sne's fiery personality always shines through. 

2. Sihle wins

Sne's son is an important part of her life, and it works out even better now that he and Tiro have established a loving relationship. He even bought him a fancy bike for his birthday during the break up. If that doesn't say ‘boyfriend oympics’ contender…we don't know what does.

3. Second chances matter 

Sne broke up with Tiro unexpectedly and broke his heart in the process. However, sometimes you don't know what you got till it's gone. Now that she has her dream man back, she might work harder to keep him. Making the relationship even better than before.

4. Loyalty

Even when our faves were single, they only had eyes for each other. What's even better is how they have always exercised faithfulness in the relationship. This definitely makes them couple goals! 

5. Happiness Trending

We love to see our faves so happy, and this kind of love is what we need to keep us inspired.

We hope out favourite couple will stay couple goals for a long time! Tune into Isithembiso weekdays at 7:30 pm , talk to us using the  #IsithembisoMzansi hashtag.

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