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Happy endings – Isithembiso

27 March 2020
Our faves find their way back to each other again.
Isithembiso-Love Always Wins-Billboard 1600 x 640

They’ve been through it all and in the end, our #IsithembisoMzansi faves proved that love always wins.

Many were either separated or going through the most and we’re so glad things have turned out for the best for all of them. Here’s how:

Kero and Vivian:

These two have been going through the most lately, with the stress of losing the baby and suspicions of cheating. How shocked were we when they separated last month? Tjo! But look at them now, back in love again and a baby on the way!

Tiro and Sne:

It took that incident where Simi was shot trying to save Zamani to get Sne to realize how much she wanted to work things out with Tiro when he returned home from Belgium. We’re so glad the Tiroziner is back with his lady love and willing to work through this long-distance thingy when he goes back to Belgium.  

Nhlamulo and Palesa:

Even though it’s not quite clear if our faves got back together, no thanks to Cheez! But it was great to see the two sticking together when Cheez threatened everybody’s lives at the graduation after party.  

Simi and Zamani:

We never thought we’d see the day these two break up and when it happened, we were in our feels. They’ve surely come a long way, having taken a bullet for each other through the years and it was certainly one of those happy moments when they both finally realized they were meant for each other.

Their beautiful wedding brought together friends and families and now, they’re officially Mr and Mrs Dlomo. We love happy endings and were happy to see all our faves back together again.


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